Always remember you are never alone even in this journey you are with people who are with you. Like the white birds which fly in a group for common destination are leading by turns so you need not feel lesser by following, allowing others to lead or feeling not strong enough that you are not currently leading.

While doing self work there is a point when you master something and become anxious to share, lead however sometimes that might not happen immediately. This might lead to getting impatient and frustrated and taking it personally and maybe even leading to stopping the practises or losing trust. It would be wise to know that …

What’s in it for me?

I have often wondered about the concept of a family. Why do we need a family..what is this neurotic compulsive urge to set up a unit and play roles. Is it worth the time, effort and the energy that we put in. Let’s explore this: family can be compared to a garden which needs a …